Your wedding is in 2 weeks and you need to get fit for your special day. You go so much stress and don’t have time or energy to work out, so what do you do then?

Your answer shouldn’t be “nothing”. This is a special day and only happens ONCE in your life (hopefully), so you want to look as stunning as possible. You want to show your man that he’s lucky to have you and you want to make sure he’s proud to stand behind you.

Losing a couple of pounds or maybe 9 pounds like me in 2 weeks for your wedding is possible, if you follow my instructions correctly.

Your wedding day is the most important day of your life, and if you want to lose weight for wedding in 2 weeks or even faster, this is where you’ll learn a simple but crazy secret that helped me to make this transformation:

 Lose weight for wedding in 2 weeks

How did it all started?

My biggest dream and worst nightmare had come true at the same time on the day my boyfriend asked me to marry him.

Just right after saying “YES” and a brief celebration in that night 😉 , I knew that I had to lose weight before my wedding.

I wasn’t sure when I was going to have the wedding yet, but I knew that if I had to take action FAST.

So it was time to finally lose some weight..

So what went wrong with my “weight loss” idea?

You know how it is when there’s going to be a wedding, I’m not even going to talk about it because I’m sure you know what it’s a complete chaos.

After we arranged and came up with a day for our wedding, I started to put aside some time for workout but when the wedding chaos hit me, I didn’t even had time to think about workout and before I knew, my wedding was in 2 weeks and I was still weighing 135 pounds and to get my perfect body based on how tall I am, I needed to lose 9 pounds quickly and I was desperate.

I Googled. I found the 3 Week Diet program. After 2 rounds of the 3WD I lost 5 pounds and after 3 rounds, I lost 9 pounds…

Note: It won’t be a walk in the park but it works if you stick to the system.

The natural and extreme way to lose weight for your wedding…
Here’s the thing, I’m completely against those “pills” or whatever they are. I’m not going to put something unnatural in my body to burn fat, what I want is to do it do it using workout, but here’s the next problem:

Hiring a trainer can cost too much and will take too long for you to see results.
I had a wedding and while I had the money to spend, I didn’t want to end up with empty pockets after my wedding, beside that, losing weight for wedding with a help of trainer won’t be much effective because trainers need much more time to help you achieve your perfect wedding body.

So how was I able to lose weight for wedding in 2 weeks?

First of all, based on what I learned after reading this amazing system that gave me my amazing body for my wedding in 2 weeks, you need to stop eating foods with high amounts of carbs. Some of these foods are: bread, cookies, potato, cheese and macaroni.

I’m not here to endorse ‘quick-fix’ diet plans with cool headlines, but if you’re looking for a natural weight loss plan for your wedding to jump-start your weight loss efforts and give you an amazing body like mine in 2 weeks, Brian Flatt’s program 3 Week Diet program is a good place to start.

Founder of the program Brian Flatt presents the program as a foolproof, science-based weight loss program that’s 100% guaranteed to help you lose weight quickly for your wedding or any event in 2 weeks – faster than any other diet plan out on the market today and truly, this is one of the most amazing ways to lose weight for wedding in 2 weeks.

Here’s what to do to lose weight for wedding in 2 weeks

First of all, I suggest you to get this program (you can return it if you don’t like it, which you will) instead of buying some pills that you don’t know where they were made and what’s inside them.

There’s no risk with how I lost weight for my wedding in 2 weeks and that’s why I suggest you to check out the program for yourself

and I promise you that you won’t be disappointed.
Here’s some results from other people who tried this program:

lose weight for wedding in 2 weeks

20 Tips that Could Help You Lose Weight for Your Wedding

There's nothing like an engagement ring to motivate a woman to get serious about weight loss. The dress. The photos. The honeymoon! You're dropping lots of cash for a fabulous event and will be standing with your butt—er, back—to dozens, maybe even hundreds of guests during your ceremony. With so many wonderful things happening on your special day, who wants to worry about their rear view?

It's no wonder women go to great strides to look their best on their wedding day. And if your upcoming wedding is serving as inspiration for you to tackle your weight or fitness issues, that's great. We all need to find our motivation, and a wedding has a deadline that can inspire you to take action.

Problem is, many brides-to-be resort to extreme measures and quick fixes to drop the pounds quickly. Some of those methods may work a little (even if they're not so safe or healthy), but often times they fail—miserably. That's because quick fixes, diet pills, and extreme exercise plans don't usually deliver, especially in the long term. When countless studies show that marriage itself tends to pack on the pounds, wouldn't you rather make smart, reasonable and sustainable changes to your current diet and fitness plan to help prevent the "inevitable" weight gain of wedded bliss? Ones that will not only help you look great by your wedding, but help you stay healthy, fit and svelte as you celebrate your first, second, and 22nd anniversaries? I hope you answered yes.

Even amid the stress of wedding planning, it is possible to stick with or even start a healthy diet and fitness program and lose weight. How? Commit to your plan. You just have to choose to stay in control, one day at a time, no matter what life and wedding planners may throw at you. 

Here are 20 tips that will help you look slim and trim on your wedding day and beyond.

1. Track your food. That means all of it, from the spoonful of soup you sampled for your reception menu to the little bites of cake you taste. These "hidden" calories are easy to gloss over but can really add up. Plus, research shows that the simple act of tracking your food can help you lose twice as much weight than if you don't track at all (mental tracking does not count). If you do nothing else during the final days and weeks before your wedding, track your food diligently every day.

2. Sample smart. A continuation of tip #1, if you know you're going to be sampling a variety of foods in a short period of time, keep the portions small. Just one or two bites of cake or your caterer's signature fish dish should be sufficient for taste testing. And if you know you're going to sample a variety of sweets one day, cut back on sugary foods for the next few days to get back on track. Decide which foods you'll have (and how much) and use SparkPeople's free Nutrition Tracker to stay within your calorie range.

3. Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the easiest meal to prepare and it sets the stage for your day. Eat a healthful breakfast to get your metabolism fired up, and then you'll be more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day—like ordering a smart lunch and swinging by the gym after work. Even better: Eating breakfast can help you lose weight, as studies have shown breakfast eaters tend to consume fewer total calories during the day than people who don't eat a morning meal.

4. Make fitness a priority. I like to remind people that food is only one part of the equation that determines whether you'll lose or gain weight. Fitness is just as important. Don't let your workouts go by the wayside. If anything, you should be trying to work out more than before if you really want to drop a few pounds, especially around the days that you're sampling all of that rich and delicious food. With a hectic schedule, how will you fit it in? That's what this next tip is for.

5. Treat your workouts like an appointment. You wouldn't miss your cake tasting, pre-marriage counseling session or dress fitting, would you? Add your workouts to your calendar so that other obligations don't get in the way of your gym time. When meeting to discuss plans with your fiancé, parents, bridal party or wedding planner, head out for a walk (or pace around the room if you're on the phone) for a little multitasking. And when your bridal party wants to schedule your bachelorette party, tell them you'll be there, but not until after Pilates class lets out.

6. Get support. It can be tough to stay strong and accountable to your goals if you don't have anyone else cheering you on. It can be even more difficult to do so when people are trying to sabotage your efforts, perhaps unknowingly. The best way to get support is to tell someone—anyone—about your weight and fitness goals and ask for their support. If you feel too uncomfortable to share those details with someone you know, the SparkPeople community is great for that. You can connect with people who have similar goals and get tips, motivation and your own personal cheerleading squad. Be sure to check out our brides-to-be SparkTeams as well because these women know exactly what you're going through.

7. Limit alcohol. It lowers inhibitions, making it more likely that you'll forget about your nutrition plan and overindulge. Plus, alcohol alone is pretty high in calories. If you can relax and de-stress without drinking at all, you'll be better off. If you must drink, nurse your glass slowly, choose diet-friendly drinks, and limit the number of servings. Oh and yes, alcohol does contain calories, so add every drink to your Nutrition Tracker.

8. Pick healthy venues for pre-wedding festivities. There will be showers, parties, and outings galore as your wedding gets closer. If you have any say in how these happen, pick a healthful restaurant where you know you can get a good, nutritious meal without going overboard. Need help? Refer to our Dining Out Guide for the healthiest choices at just about any chain restaurant. Focus on your friends and family while you're there, enjoying the good conversation and activities instead of hovering around the appetizers. Create lasting memories that don't revolve around eating, and you won't feel like you're missing out. 

9. Catch your zzz's. Your mind and calendar may be full of to-dos, but is "plenty of sleep" on your agenda each day? It should be. Too little shuteye can hinder your weight-loss efforts, increasing cravings and leading to poor choices. Staying organized will help, but do you best to stick to a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for at least 7-8 hour hours per night—including weekends.

10. Don't make mountains out of molehills. It's easy to go over your calories one day and feel like a failure. But remember that it takes much more than one day of overeating to thwart your progress. Accept your slip-ups, learn from them and move on. Here are 25 ways to get back on track today.

11. Steer clear of fads. When someone is desperate to lose weight quickly, she'll usually turn to some questionable measures. Be on the lookout for fad diets and don't fall for fitness gimmicks either. How do you spot them? By their too-good-to-be-true claims. Fad diets don't work and their results are fleeting. Rather than risk an approach like that, stick with simple, healthy habits that you know make a difference, like the items on this list.

12. Maintain an active lifestyle. Remember that "running" errands as you plan your wedding isn't the same as actually running—or exercising for that matter. Don't confuse busyness with fitness. The more physical activity you can add to your days (in addition to planned fitness) the better off you'll be. Try short workouts and find simple ways to turn downtime into active time.

13. Keep an emergency snack on hand. Stashing some healthy and portable foods in your car, purse, and desk drawer can help satisfy your cravings and prevent you from going overboard on all the wrong foods. This is a good idea when you're hungry at work and cookies sound tempting, or when you're out all day and see the glowing fast food signs beckoning you.

14. Don't let yourself get to hungry. Between smart snacking and balanced meals, keeping your body properly fueled can help you keep hunger at bay. Eating too little, on the other hand, creates monstrous cravings that are too hard to ignore. When you let yourself become ravenous, you'll grab anything, and usually a lot of it, to quell your discomfort. Keep hunger at bay with proper planning. Bring snacks with you. Keep healthy options on hand. And never go more than 4 hours without eating.

15. Manage stress. What future bride isn't worried about the details, the planning, and even fit of her dress? Life doesn't stop just because you're planning a wedding, and all that stress can do a number on your mental health—and your waistline. It's no secret that chronic stress can contribute to weight issues, especially if you're prone to emotional eating. Make sure a little R&R makes it into your day, even if it's as simple as a 1-minute breathing exercise or an extra couple of minutes in a hot shower. Of course, exercise is a great way to relieve stress and help you reach your goal weight.

16. Drink your water. Recent studies found that when people drink more water throughout the day, they end up eating fewer total calories. Another new study found that drinking water before each meal resulted in greater weight loss. Water and water-rich foods can help fill you up longer. Keep a cup of water in hand at parties, sip water between bites, and meet your daily quota to help prevent overeating.

17. Wake up with exercise. People who exercise first thing in the morning are more likely to exercise regularly than those who exercise later in the day. Even if you're not a morning exerciser yet, a.m. workouts might be the best way to squeeze fitness into your days before other things come up. Plus, when you exercise first, you're less likely to overindulge with food later.

18. Slow down. Savor your food and the experience of eating. You'll eat less, feel more satisfied, and recognize feelings of hunger before it's too late.

19. Keep your eye on the prize. Before you take a bite or hit snooze instead of hitting the gym, remember your goals. It's going to take work to reach your goals, and it won't always be easy. Before you act, ask yourself, "Will this help me achieve my goal by my wedding day?" If not, make another decision. And remember that YOU are in control of your life and your choices.

20. Use SparkPeople. When it comes to weight loss, we know what works—and we offer all the tools, resources, tips, menus, trackers and support you need to take off the weight by the big day. Explore all that our site has to offer for daily motivation and real-world solutions. Don't worry: It's free, so you can save your money for the honeymoon!

How can I lose weight fast for my wedding? Well, that's a tough one

If you're getting married, you're probably already stressed about all the details.  One major stressor?

Your weight.

You may start to panic a bit as the big day comes, wondering if there's something you can do to lose

Here's The Deal
If your wedding is just a few days or weeks away, it isn't reasonable to expect to make major changes in such a short period of time.

In other words, don't starve yourself or skip meals...that usually backfires. However, you can do things to get a little progress going:

1. Cut out empty calories

Cut out sodas, juice, coffee drinks, alcohol or other beverages with calories. Keep a food journal and look for lower calorie substitutes for staple foods like milk, cheese, yogurt or bread.

2. Exercise

If you already exercise, add intensity to your current workouts by adding more time, an extra day of training or by working harder. Focus on workouts that give you the most bang for your buck such as interval training or circuit training. Be careful when adding intensity to your workouts. Too much can cause an overload injury that may leave you sidelined, so listen to your body and back off if you feel pain, fatigue or excessive soreness.

Your body needs time to build the strength and endurance you need for frequent, intense workouts. Its best to start with a simple cardio and strength training program and plan for extra recovery days to deal with muscle soreness.

3. Drink water

Dehydration can actually cause your body to retain water. Drinking water throughout the day can help you avoid bloating and it can even help you eat less. When you're thirsty, you may mistake that feeling for hunger and eat more calories than you need.

If you're exercising, you need to drink even more than normal, so make sure you're staying hydrated all day long.

4. Cut out the salt

Too much salt can cause you to retain water, which can pack on extra pounds.

5. Eat balanced meals

You may be tempted to skip meals or just nibble throughout the day, but you're better off with regular, balanced meals. You may even eat fewer calories overall if you eat satisfying meals that give you energy and keep you going:

Skipping meals: You may think you'll eat less if you skip meals, but that can backfire, making you so hungry that you end up eating even more. Don't forget, if you don't eat enough calories, your body won't burn as many calories.
Fad diets: Extreme diets promise instant weight loss, but many are unhealthy and cut your calories so low, your body may end up holding onto fat in order to fuel itself.
Diet pills or fat burning supplements: Many diet pills and supplements also promise fast weight loss, but many don't work and they aren't regulated, so there's no way to know if you're getting what's listed in the ingredients.
Excessive exercise Too many brides-to-be go from sedentary to 2-hour workouts to lose weight quickly. However, when you do more than your body can handle, you risk burnout, soreness and injury. Exercising for hours a day at high intensities can be just as bad as not exercising at all.

The Bride Diet: How to Lose Weight for a Wedding

Use a Wedding Diet Plan for Any Special Occasion

Do you have a special occasion on your calendar when you need to look your best? Whether you plan to walk down the aisle, attend a special elegant affair, or just go to your high school reunion, ​the bride diet will help you reach your goal. This wedding diet plan will help you slim down and look fantastic on your big day.

Wedding Diet Basics

The bride plan is specifically designed to help you slim down and stay healthy during an exciting but stressful time in your life. This is not a time when you should use fad diets, quick fix plans, or celebrity-endorsed routines. Instead, meet your daily caloric needs with clean foods: fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, lean meat or protein choices, low-fat dairy, whole grains and a limited amount of healthy fat.

To follow The Bride Diet Plan you should:

Avoid processed food (that includes almost everything that comes in a package or box)
Limit or eliminate foods with added sugar
Skip the sweetened or artificially sweetened beverages
Give up refined and starchy carbohydrates like white bread or white rice
Drink plenty of water
Restrict or eliminate alcohol (less than 7 servings per week)

Want an easy way to stick to the plan? Use the MyPlate Guide from the USDA. It is simple and it works. The dinner plate icon is a smart guide to use when planning your meals. Print it out and and use it as your guide when it is time to eat. Many fitness and health experts follow this clean eating plan (or one just like it) and it helps them get lean and fit in less time.

Bride Diet Tips

It doesn't matter if you are the bride, a bridesmaid, the mother of the bride, or not involved in a wedding at all. These tips will help you to lean out with a specific special event in mind.

Keep It Simple 

This is a short-term plan so there’s no need to get creative with complicated recipes and unfamiliar ingredients. Eat what you know and what is most convenient. There are many quick cook foods that are healthy in the produce section of your grocery store. These include microwave ready vegetable packs and pre-sliced fruits and veggies. It might also be helpful to stock up on frozen fruits and vegetables for smoothies and side dishes.

Need ideas? Grab carrots, bananas, apples or berries for snacks. Grill seafood or homemade turkey burgers for dinner. Eat eggs, egg whites or low-fat dairy for breakfast. When you need to be on the go for dress fittings and appointments, put a healthy snack bar in your purse so that you're not tempted to go for fast food.

Be Mindful of Calories

If you really eat only the foods on the clean eating plan, you probably won’t have to count calories to make sure you are eating the right number of calories. You’d be surprised how many calories you eliminate when you remove white starch, added sugar and alcohol from your diet.

But just to be sure, keep a food journal (if possible) during your first week to make sure you are eating the right amount. You can also invest in an activity tracker to see your energy balance from day to day, or use a free food tracking app, like LoseIt or MyFitnessPal.

Boost Physical Activity

Combine the Bride Diet with increased physical activity for best results. If you don't have an exercise plan in place, don't worry. You don't have to exercise strenuously for this plan to work. But try to get some physical activity every day. This might include a brisk walk, a short jog, or a home strength training workout.

If you currently exercise, add a little bit of activity to your schedule. For example, if you currently exercise three days per week, ramp it up to five. If you exercise most days of the week, add a short walk in the morning or evening to boost your metabolism.

Try not to do too much. The worst thing that could happen is for you to do too much and get burned out or injured. By simply increasing your activity level slightly, you bump your body out of complacency and start to burn more fat.

Schedule a Prep Day

Your schedule will be hectic when you are planning your wedding. Don't expect to have extra time each day to make healthy meals or prepare snacks. Instead, take one day each week and prep all foods in advance for the week.

Fill snack baggies with vegetables. Mold extra lean turkey burgers or chicken patties to grill. Make hard-boiled eggs. Make sure you have water bottles ready to grab on the go. Stock your fridge with fruit for moments when the sweet tooth hits.

Live a Little

You shouldn't take a full cheat day, but you can have one cheat meal. A full cheat day can add hundreds or even thousands of calories to your weekly intake and offset any calorie deficit you may have earned. But a cheat meal is likely to help you to keep your plan on track.

Many popular diet plans allow for a cheat day or two. For a long-term plan that is reasonable. But since your goal is short-term, keep your indulgence contained to a single meal.

Wedding Diet Plan Benefits

Of course, the greatest benefit of going on the bride diet is that you should be able to lose weight for your wedding day. And that’s the ultimate goal, right? But there are added benefits as well.

Radiant skin, nails, hair. When you add healthy fruits and veggies to your diet, you provide essential nutrients for healthy skin, healthy-looking hair and a healthier body. Of course, you could neglect these nutrients and go on a quick fix fad diet, but who wants to look gaunt and pale in their wedding photos? A well-rounded diet will help you look luscious on your big day.

No fuss, less stress. If you choose to go on a juice fast, a weight loss smoothie plan, or a quick fix routine like Katy Perry’s M-plan or the military ​diet, you’re going to spend your day shopping for odd foods, measuring portions and biding your time between mini-meals that leave you hungry. With this plan, you eat plenty of food. And if you remember to shop only in the produce section, the dairy aisle or at the meat/seafood counter, grocery shopping should be a snap.

Long-term health. What is sexier than a beautiful bride? A healthy honeymooner and a fit, happy newlywed. After sticking to your clean eating plan for several weeks before your wedding, you might just find that it’s a plan you can stick to for life. If not, relax the plan slightly to allow for an 80/20 eating plan for wellness and health.